"Oh, after my husband totaled his bike, he doesn't ride anymore. I never wanted him to ride in the first place. I told him how dangerous it was all the time, but he didn't listen. Now he's convinced that he'll die on that thing if he rides again. . ."
And so she rambled on, in the bar, telling me how she used to ride with her husband on his Harley, but not anymore. I just love the way she started the conversation. . .
"Do you ride? We ride a Harley! Well, we used to. What do you ride?" as if she was excited about riding, or bragging that she "once" owned a Harley.
Often, I get the "Why don't you ride a Harley?" question, but that's an entirely different story.
These are "enthusiasts" who seem to be proud that they used to ride, but ride no more, because they "smartened up and quit riding." It seems to be their mission in life to discourage me and everyone else within earshot from the desire to ride. And I'm constantly wondering, why the fuck to they care? It's as if they're delivering a divine message to me that riding a motorcycle is dangerous.
No shit. Really?
Yes, I know that.
My philosophy is this. Most things in life are dangerous. Eating seafood is dangerous. Crossing the street is dangerous. Wearing a tampon is dangerous. Shit happens. Get over it. You're going to die one day. But when are you going to start to live?
I don't want to live afraid. That's really what this boils down to. The storyteller is afraid of riding. They've either been hurt, or they know of someone who's been hurt (and frankly, who doesn't know someone who's been hurt on a motorcycle?), and now they are filled with fear. And that fear keeps them from riding.
If you're afraid, you don't belong on a motorcycle. Those seats are so tiny because there's only room for your ass on there. Not your ass and all of your emotional baggage. There is simply no room for fear on a motorcycle. Don't pack it along, because it doesn't belong on there.
Caution, care, and thought are important when riding. I'm not condoning recklessness. I don't want to die. But I don't want to live afraid of the next moment either. That's worse than death in my book. If you think long enough and hard enough about the things that will kill you, you'll never leave your basement filled with ammo, health food and vitamins. If that's how you choose to live, more power to you.
As for me, I don't want to hear your stories of motorcycle disasters. When I was 4-years-old my Daddy had a wreck that left him in a body cast, lying in a hospital bed in our home for 1 year. At the age of 16 I crashed, badly. I know what happens when we hit the pavement and I don't need you filling my head with that shit.
Thanks, but no thanks. I would rather hear some dirty jokes. Got any good ones? If not, then please, shut the fuck up.
D’Hanis, TX - SKP
2 weeks ago
Cool post, yes it is dangerous but we can minimise the risk through proper training and some good ole common sense!
ReplyDeleteI agree Roger! Nothing takes the place of training and making every attempt to make it as safe as possible. But "safe as possible" is so subjective! So we must all try to not judge one another by saying, "He should've done this or that. . . " and just realize that we all make our own choices. I want to make my experience safe for me. That takes training, which I'm currently doing. But I'm not going to buy a scooter and wrap myself up in bubble wrap like the Michelin Man! ;)
DeleteYou get my meaning, I'm sure.
ReplyDeletethere is risk in everything we do. You cannot live life to the fullest without taking some chances. We choose our own paths and should not be dictated by the WILL of others or be forced to accept their limitations. I think they are just jealous
Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube
You're so sweet Bob! I'm not much for dictators. :)
DeleteHe wasn't afraid......
So, of course I clicked the link and of course, this is an article about a motorcyclist who died on his motorcycle. I don't know why people want to share these with me. Susan, do you want to tell me why you shared this with me?
DeleteIf you want to make a point, you've lost it on me.
Very experienced rider…..very sad that he is no longer here for his family and friends, many, many friends. The bigger point is he now looks down from heaven and Frank knew God. If your fate was the same….do you know God? That is what life is really about.
DeleteSad for whom? Did he die doing what he loved? Did he live his own life? My favorite Jimi Hendrix quote reads, "I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to." My philosophy is if he lived and died as he chose, he lived HIS life to it's fullest.
DeleteYour other question asking do I know God. I certainly do. After my near death experience on Christmas Eve 2008 when I was dead for 2.32 minutes, I am closer to God than ever. But if you're asking do I know the typical Born Again Christian's version of God, well, I know of him. The God I know is far greater than the limited version that the Baptists sold to me as a child.
I know we don't want to have a religious debate here, but if you have any other questions about my beliefs, perhaps you can find the answers you seek here:
Thanks for reading and commenting Susan. I appreciate your input.
Mattew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
ReplyDeleteHow very nice for you Susan. If you would like to talk motorcycling, then please feel free to share. If you're here for some kind of religious lesson, you're in the wrong place.
DeleteThis is a motorcycling blog. Why would you come here to pick a fight? Bless your sad, broken heart Susan. Do you miss this man so badly that you have to come and pour your narrow minded philosophies out on anyone who rides a motorcycle? Do you think you're going to save someone here?
I got a great idea. Why don't you start your own blog, write your cryptic crap on there, and attract your own readers? Then you can say whatever you like. On here, this is my blog. I've been kind enough to oblige you thus far, but frankly, I'm sick of your shit. So take your religion somewhere else.
Praying for you =)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you mean that in the nicest way, right Susan? In no way would a good Christian woman like yourself be using your religious beliefs to be condemning, condescending, pious and arrogant. I'm sure that pity you feel for me, since I'm not "your kind of Christian" isn't meant to be as insulting as it sounds, right?
DeleteHow nice it must feel to be so sure you're right and I'm wrong; that you're so saved and I'm such a heathen. Of course, you're opinion of me is none of my business. So, you're comments are nothing more than pesky annoyances for a moment of my day. I find you to be humorous at best and rude at worst. But then again, my opinion of you is none of your business either, right?
Perhaps you should learn to ride a motorcycle and learn a little about yourself and our world. At least then you wouldn't spend so much time riding on that high horse of yours.
Dear Tina,
ReplyDeleteI hope that one day I can be as kick ass and fearless as you! I respect and admire you so much because you are true to YOU and live life to the fullest. You prove that getting older doesn't mean getting boring! Can't wait to read more about your cross county motorcycle travels.
Thank you so much Rachael! You are such a spark of energy, an inspiration in my life!! I wish I had found my sense of adventure, just as you have, when I was your age.
DeleteI'm glad you're in my life and I can't wait to share all of my adventures with you, and my other readers. :)
Everyone who rides knows that person who just has to tell you how dangerous your “hobby” is. We who ride know what can happen and we choose to ride anyway. Why is that? Could it be that it is so exhilarating for us that we disregard life and limb just like a junkie needing a fix? I personally think that it’s something that’s in us that we really can’t explain to others who don’t feel the same way. It’s a part of my being and who I am. Don’t try to change me! Just wish me a safe one and be done.
ReplyDeleteAs for the people who think you should have a Harley…I ride a Harley because it’s my preference. It’s a matter of what you like and prefer. I have a friend that rides a Yamaha Star something; that’s how little I know about other bikes, but put a Harley in front of me and I can tell you exactly what it is and what motor is on it. Truth be told; her bike is a lot faster than mine is. It’s all in what you want from a bike.
So...Have a safe one...keep the shinny side up...enjoy it while you still can! Hell I'll probably end up with a trike if I get to the point that I can't keep two wheels up.
I have been sitting on the back of my hubby's bike for 30 years and finally got the stick out of my ass and took a course and learned to ride. Family and friends have told me its dangerous, but seriously life is dangerous and frankly I get tired of being afraid to try stuff. I don't regret learning to ride, my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner! I have to say I have a good dose of reality and probably heavy duty caution and respect for my bike and recognise the 'what if's' but again I am not going to let fear overtake. You are right there is only a small space on that seat and inside your helmet and if fear overtakes that makes it a far more dangerous place to be. Ride on!
ReplyDeleteThanks Biker Baby! Yes, we'll keep the shiny side up for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteDar, I have been saying to myself as well, what took me so long. LOL! And yes, those "What if. . ." worries that so many of us fall into. I've had to let go of all of that just to be a passenger. Why hold onto that crap?
I guess my real question is, "Why make yourself afraid?" I just don't want to live in fear anymore. I've had enough.
Sweet Rides Ladies,